Friday, 23 October 2009
October- so far
Have you all booked for Christmas meals yet? I have picked my work meal, its one of the nicest traditions along with secret santa, but somehow I always feel that thinking about it prior to December is premature but post October is too late.. Oh well
Friday, 25 September 2009
Desk wrestling
We are also saying goodbye to Lydia (aka Tarka the otter) who is deserting us for more exotic climbs (11,000 miles away in New Zealand). During this week from her planning alone we have learnt about US visas, where to get good strappy tops in September and what sport sandals are (essentially trainers with holes in) and why anyone would want to buy them.
We have also trying to get Faith married off. Faith herself is not adverse to the idea. We spent 15minutes on Thursday teasing her about it, then burst into giggles as we realised that someone had overheard some of our conversation.
Monday, 14 September 2009
Faith’s Hair
We have also decided on having a penny box. Sharon apologises for everything, Faith uses the word thinga and I have an appetite for office biscuits. I’m not sure what we will do with the kitty maybe it’ll be enough for our staff Christmas lunch. We are keeping our ears open for Lydia and Ida's habits but except for Lydia very politely harassing her GP I’ve got nothing.
This afternoon has been spent in a meeting looking at strap lines and exhibition boards, Faith and I are off to London, Beware! We will spending time with people from the warehouse industry so we are very excited to see if and where we can get new sites. The more sites the more computers.
Tuesday, 8 September 2009
September fun
Friday, 28 August 2009
Smashing computers
One of the best tools available for wiping the data off hard drives is called "Darik's Boot and Nuke" or DBAN for short. You can download DBAN for free from Run this tool properly and give it the time it needs to go through the hard drive and the data is gone forever. We use a similar tool in our workshops called EBAN- according to our expert it “overwrites the entire hard drive with a pseudo-random pattern of numbers that makes it impossible for data to be recovered”. I’m not entirely sure what this means but for those who do understand these kinds of things I’m sure it makes sense.
So my plans for a sledgehammer will have to be shelved, instead Ida suggests I take up line dancing, Lydia suggests crochet, Faith suggests to wait for another opportunity to smash things. You will have to wait and see what happens....
Monday, 24 August 2009
The topic for this afternoon in the office has been what would you do if you found a walrus on your bed? Your answer would clearly depend on personal sensibilities and level of silliness. I initially thought of selling it on Gumtree which would be both amusing and earn a little cash, another clear option is tickling it or even getting some kind of animal rescue to come and collect it. This question brought many thoughts to my head including; how would one get a walrus up stairs, what would be the point and the inevitability of someone purchasing said walrus on gumtree/eBay and it then being put onto the 6'o clock news. It is somewhat disgruntling to think that this kind of silliness raises more awareness about issues than all of our work. The BBC magazine recently commented on the prevalence of people giving up/taking up a year of something (credit cards, sex, saying no, ethical living) to make a point. I did briefly consider giving up computers but then realised 90% of my job is based on using my computer. After having my mobile mown over (by a lawn mower -seriously) I realised how much of my life is reliant on technology. I'm not sure I would be willing to live without it. One of our colleagues has returned from Tanzania with some amazing tales of the impact we are having but everywhere he visited there was a request for more computers. Very excitingly Llyods Pharmacys have donated 700 PC's which will no doubt go some way to fufilling the requests however there is such a hunger for learning in Africa that there will always be more schools to send to.
Tuesday, 14 July 2009
Today's highlight has been calling the local waste management to try to find out if a statement I made for the front page is correct. Now for me the idea that once you throw something away it is not possible to go find it again was both clear and obvious. However, other elements in our team felt this could be erroneous. Thus Ida and I called around the local landfills, what fun for a Tuesday afternoon, we discovered that people who work at landfills are very straight talking and that there is no chance of getting something back once you've chucked it. One point Lowri.
Friday, 3 July 2009
Strawberry fields forever

When our baskets were full, we sat down for a picnic that was (if I do say so myself) delicious and full of variety (Thanks George ), and as the sun came down over the Kentish

Until next time...
Monday, 29 June 2009
Fremlins Walk
The sun was bright and wearing black was not a brilliant plan but we had a lot of fun. Watch this space for the video of Ida and Faith dancing (if they let me use it). We also had lots of fun decorating a computer for "Pimp my computer" competition. Lydia and I covered ourselves in gold paint and looked a little special (Lydia spent the day trying to hide the gold paint that covered her, I changed my top before we left). Check out our creation below, I'm not sure the picture does it justice.
Wednesday, 24 June 2009
Friday, 19 June 2009
Friday Madness- African dramas
We are trying to think of Ghetto names for everyone in the office.
Jessica ->Jessca
Lowri->La (Is that even slightly ghetto?)

I'm stuck on Lydia Jessca calls her Lyds, but once again its not very Ghetto. To be honest the idea of any of us being ghetto is mildly ridiculous, we will have to have a dress up day (why do only kids and drunk people get to do it?).
Perhaps we should have a Scottish day, with Haggis and kilts. We are launching 5 new sites in Scotland (you can see all of our sites on We got working on informing the local media etc about our arrival. The Scottish are fantastic, have such great phone accents, and Scotland is a gorgeous country.
Wednesday, 17 June 2009
Sunglasses day
This mornings highlight has been hearing that the Deputy Lord Mayor of Exeter is going to be supporting our campaign in Exeter. This is awesome although due to the timing we will have to road trip it to and from Exeter in 1 day. In each community we look for leaders and celebrity's willing to spend some time with us supporting the work we do and encouraging locals and businesses to donate.
We are also trying out a variety of tunes for our theme tune, the list so far;
- Last night a PC saved my life. (to the tune oflast night a DJ saved my life)
- Like a PC (Like a virgin)
- PC user (Womanizer)
- We will Connect you (We will rock you)
- Yesterday (Yesterday all my computers here to stay, Now they have gone to Africa today, I believe in C4A)
We have also been contacting schools in Tanzania, which is very exciting. I really hope we hear back from some of the young people who get to use the computers which we send out. I am old enough to remember using the single computer in the corner (bring out the violins) so I can appreciate what it is like to live without computers to some degree. We had one really cute letter from a head girl. The bit about being able to touch the computers was really super heart squeezingly cute.
As I am doing this in work time I do feel I need to point out that you personally should look around you and check you have no spare working IT equipment and if you do you should be looking to do something good with it- like give it to us.
Tuesday, 16 June 2009
Welcome to the PR department of Computers 4 Africaaaaaaaa!
Computers 4 Africa is a charity that sends computers to Africa (it's all in the name of the charity, someone clearly thought about that). Just to let you know Ida has removed a fly from the office, which really caps off an afternoon of concentration busting activities, which have included seeing how many people have our exact names, finding people doing Beyonce dances on Youtube our favorite was the Saturday night live one with Justin Timberlake (, the Jonas brothers doing the same is entertaining but after a minute you realise he only has one move and its boring from there.
Back to the more serious part of work... We are plotting a video blog which is going to be amazing!!! The collective creative juices led to a meeting which no ones mascara survived and a lot of people came to check we were actually working. All of this is in a good cause, trying to raise the profile and get people to give us their computers that they no longer use but are in good condition. I, (this is Lowri by the way), have been calling businesses asking for their computers, which has lead to a couple of confusing moments when I get nervous and say something silly which inevitably leads to them thinking I want ALL of their computers. I'm not saying people should give us the ones they are currently using, just ones which are old but working we can't send our junk to Africa. Its not right!