Monday, 29 June 2009

Fremlins Walk

Well we had an awesome time on Friday and Saturday trying to get Maidstone locals excited about Computers 4 Africa. We learnt how to operate helium canisters, about manual handling (which sounds more amusing than it is) and how to put up a gazebo.
We had competitions based on how many leaflets we could give out, which I won but looking at this photograph its' small wonder.
We spent the day hearing the cries of small children as they released the helium balloons which had been given to them. I'm never sure that giving them away is a kind thing. If they don't let them go, then their siblings are jealous when they get home, if their siblings don't pop them then there is always the opportunity to cry when the balloon finally deflates as it inevitably does. Fortunately for us we were the bringers of joy not the fortellers of doom.
The sun was bright and wearing black was not a brilliant plan but we had a lot of fun. Watch this space for the video of Ida and Faith dancing (if they let me use it). We also had lots of fun decorating a computer for "Pimp my computer" competition. Lydia and I covered ourselves in gold paint and looked a little special (Lydia spent the day trying to hide the gold paint that covered her, I changed my top before we left). Check out our creation below, I'm not sure the picture does it justice.

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