Friday, 19 June 2009

Friday Madness- African dramas

Today we have been educated in African soap operas. Faith and I entertained the office with a song of such amazing quality it wasn't so much shocking as appalling. This was then completely blown out of the water by Faith and Ida doing a sketch, with overacting and Nigerian accents. We need a video camera to capture the fun.

We are trying to think of Ghetto names for everyone in the office.
Jessica ->Jessca
Lowri->La (Is that even slightly ghetto?)Check Spelling
I'm stuck on Lydia Jessca calls her Lyds, but once again its not very Ghetto. To be honest the idea of any of us being ghetto is mildly ridiculous, we will have to have a dress up day (why do only kids and drunk people get to do it?).

Perhaps we should have a Scottish day, with Haggis and kilts. We are launching 5 new sites in Scotland (you can see all of our sites on We got working on informing the local media etc about our arrival. The Scottish are fantastic, have such great phone accents, and Scotland is a gorgeous country.

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