Friday, 23 October 2009

October- so far

Another month nearly past and another lot of computers coming through our doors and some very exciting progress made. The last week has been mainly spent talking and thinking about the marketing budget and discussing vitally important issues like- what makes us keep a pen, who looks at their mouse mat and whether pictures of children picking their noses are amusing, cute or just wrong.We got a new stand for exhibitions which has already been put into use as Faith and I travelled up to London. We had a lots of fun, met some interesting peopel and took some lovely photos. We also called the office to check in a few times which lead to some hi jinks but that is a tale for another time...
Have you all booked for Christmas meals yet? I have picked my work meal, its one of the nicest traditions along with secret santa, but somehow I always feel that thinking about it prior to December is premature but post October is too late.. Oh well

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