Wednesday, 17 June 2009

Sunglasses day

We have been inspired today to take up the cause of Sunglasses wearers everywhere. After a serious mornings work the caffeine has clearly hit us and we introduced to the world "Sunglasses day". Jess and Lydia are already sporting an exciting look with sunglasses planted firmly onto their noses.

This mornings highlight has been hearing that the Deputy Lord Mayor of Exeter is going to be supporting our campaign in Exeter. This is awesome although due to the timing we will have to road trip it to and from Exeter in 1 day. In each community we look for leaders and celebrity's willing to spend some time with us supporting the work we do and encouraging locals and businesses to donate.

We are also trying out a variety of tunes for our theme tune, the list so far;

  • Last night a PC saved my life. (to the tune oflast night a DJ saved my life)

  • Like a PC (Like a virgin)

  • PC user (Womanizer)

  • We will Connect you (We will rock you)

  • Yesterday (Yesterday all my computers here to stay, Now they have gone to Africa today, I believe in C4A)
OK we spent 5 minutes developing some of these. Hopefully soon you will be able to see our collective amazingness on video. These are pretty special.

We have also been contacting schools in Tanzania, which is very exciting. I really hope we hear back from some of the young people who get to use the computers which we send out. I am old enough to remember using the single computer in the corner (bring out the violins) so I can appreciate what it is like to live without computers to some degree. We had one really cute letter from a head girl. The bit about being able to touch the computers was really super heart squeezingly cute.

As I am doing this in work time I do feel I need to point out that you personally should look around you and check you have no spare working IT equipment and if you do you should be looking to do something good with it- like give it to us.

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