Monday, 29 June 2009

Fremlins Walk

Well we had an awesome time on Friday and Saturday trying to get Maidstone locals excited about Computers 4 Africa. We learnt how to operate helium canisters, about manual handling (which sounds more amusing than it is) and how to put up a gazebo.
We had competitions based on how many leaflets we could give out, which I won but looking at this photograph its' small wonder.
We spent the day hearing the cries of small children as they released the helium balloons which had been given to them. I'm never sure that giving them away is a kind thing. If they don't let them go, then their siblings are jealous when they get home, if their siblings don't pop them then there is always the opportunity to cry when the balloon finally deflates as it inevitably does. Fortunately for us we were the bringers of joy not the fortellers of doom.
The sun was bright and wearing black was not a brilliant plan but we had a lot of fun. Watch this space for the video of Ida and Faith dancing (if they let me use it). We also had lots of fun decorating a computer for "Pimp my computer" competition. Lydia and I covered ourselves in gold paint and looked a little special (Lydia spent the day trying to hide the gold paint that covered her, I changed my top before we left). Check out our creation below, I'm not sure the picture does it justice.

Wednesday, 24 June 2009


Well we have had a hectic week already. We have planned a day in our local shopping centre to raise awareness, the level of preparation is intense and the amount of concern there is about helium balloons slightly amusing. I know that we have to risk assess everything but sometimes I wonder about this country's sanity.
On a lighter note I have been asked to introduce us all (PR team). We will provide photos but no one was looking their best today so couldn't possibly enjoy taking them (some of the team enjoy posing but I will wait until we have the photos to comment on that, some things have to be seen to be believed).
Ida- Pure American and pure African and can switch accents so easily that she can confuse. (Ida has lived in the Gambia and America).
Faith- You can hear Faith coming from 2 houses away.
Lowri- that's me. I'm very sensible and calm, honest!
Lydia- Actually is calm although can think sideways and has Pimp'd a computer very creatively.
Jessica- Has fabulously curly hair and a very dry sense of humor. Leads us into the forays of theme song writing with both panache and silliness. During period of intense concentration often breaks into song, relieving tension and making us giggle
Sam- Gives us her sage opinion on matters of the heart. Sam joins us on Wednesdays and wrestles with the laptop in the corner.
Avril- Has tried to sell other members of the team for Zimbabwean money. Best to leave it there I think.

Friday, 19 June 2009

Friday Madness- African dramas

Today we have been educated in African soap operas. Faith and I entertained the office with a song of such amazing quality it wasn't so much shocking as appalling. This was then completely blown out of the water by Faith and Ida doing a sketch, with overacting and Nigerian accents. We need a video camera to capture the fun.

We are trying to think of Ghetto names for everyone in the office.
Jessica ->Jessca
Lowri->La (Is that even slightly ghetto?)Check Spelling
I'm stuck on Lydia Jessca calls her Lyds, but once again its not very Ghetto. To be honest the idea of any of us being ghetto is mildly ridiculous, we will have to have a dress up day (why do only kids and drunk people get to do it?).

Perhaps we should have a Scottish day, with Haggis and kilts. We are launching 5 new sites in Scotland (you can see all of our sites on We got working on informing the local media etc about our arrival. The Scottish are fantastic, have such great phone accents, and Scotland is a gorgeous country.

Wednesday, 17 June 2009

Sunglasses day

We have been inspired today to take up the cause of Sunglasses wearers everywhere. After a serious mornings work the caffeine has clearly hit us and we introduced to the world "Sunglasses day". Jess and Lydia are already sporting an exciting look with sunglasses planted firmly onto their noses.

This mornings highlight has been hearing that the Deputy Lord Mayor of Exeter is going to be supporting our campaign in Exeter. This is awesome although due to the timing we will have to road trip it to and from Exeter in 1 day. In each community we look for leaders and celebrity's willing to spend some time with us supporting the work we do and encouraging locals and businesses to donate.

We are also trying out a variety of tunes for our theme tune, the list so far;

  • Last night a PC saved my life. (to the tune oflast night a DJ saved my life)

  • Like a PC (Like a virgin)

  • PC user (Womanizer)

  • We will Connect you (We will rock you)

  • Yesterday (Yesterday all my computers here to stay, Now they have gone to Africa today, I believe in C4A)
OK we spent 5 minutes developing some of these. Hopefully soon you will be able to see our collective amazingness on video. These are pretty special.

We have also been contacting schools in Tanzania, which is very exciting. I really hope we hear back from some of the young people who get to use the computers which we send out. I am old enough to remember using the single computer in the corner (bring out the violins) so I can appreciate what it is like to live without computers to some degree. We had one really cute letter from a head girl. The bit about being able to touch the computers was really super heart squeezingly cute.

As I am doing this in work time I do feel I need to point out that you personally should look around you and check you have no spare working IT equipment and if you do you should be looking to do something good with it- like give it to us.

Tuesday, 16 June 2009

Welcome to the PR department of Computers 4 Africaaaaaaaa!

Well we have created our first blog.
Computers 4 Africa is a charity that sends computers to Africa (it's all in the name of the charity, someone clearly thought about that). Just to let you know Ida has removed a fly from the office, which really caps off an afternoon of concentration busting activities, which have included seeing how many people have our exact names, finding people doing Beyonce dances on Youtube our favorite was the Saturday night live one with Justin Timberlake (, the Jonas brothers doing the same is entertaining but after a minute you realise he only has one move and its boring from there.
Back to the more serious part of work... We are plotting a video blog which is going to be amazing!!! The collective creative juices led to a meeting which no ones mascara survived and a lot of people came to check we were actually working. All of this is in a good cause, trying to raise the profile and get people to give us their computers that they no longer use but are in good condition. I, (this is Lowri by the way), have been calling businesses asking for their computers, which has lead to a couple of confusing moments when I get nervous and say something silly which inevitably leads to them thinking I want ALL of their computers. I'm not saying people should give us the ones they are currently using, just ones which are old but working we can't send our junk to Africa. Its not right!