Friday, 25 September 2009

Desk wrestling

This week in the office we have been desk wrestling, mainly Ida and myself, but also a certain amount with Lydia. Lots of this is caused by the appalling musical taste of my colleagues. Each member of our team has varied tastes and is given a couple of hours a day to play music on last FM. Despite initially aiming to be fair, we have moved away from this with people hogging the radio, with some people taking over for the full 20hrs that they are in the office, naming no names, obviously (it's Ida). Desk wresting involve general irritation & pushing but also a little sabotage (pressing esc is a favourite move).
We are also saying goodbye to Lydia (aka Tarka the otter) who is deserting us for more exotic climbs (11,000 miles away in New Zealand). During this week from her planning alone we have learnt about US visas, where to get good strappy tops in September and what sport sandals are (essentially trainers with holes in) and why anyone would want to buy them.
We have also trying to get Faith married off. Faith herself is not adverse to the idea. We spent 15minutes on Thursday teasing her about it, then burst into giggles as we realised that someone had overheard some of our conversation.

Monday, 14 September 2009

Faith’s Hair

We have achieved that Friday feeling but unfortunately without the accompaniment of a crunchie bar. Today’s hot topic has been Faiths hair. Anyone who has someone fabulous in their office can understand the great fun as we comment on said persons changes in outfit and hair. Faith on Monday said “I’ve only changed my hair once this week” and I am proud to announce that she has managed to change her hair twice since then. She has also wowed us all by coordinating her shoes, hair, clothes and shoes. We will have to get some photo’s of the fabulousness.
We have also decided on having a penny box. Sharon apologises for everything, Faith uses the word thinga and I have an appetite for office biscuits. I’m not sure what we will do with the kitty maybe it’ll be enough for our staff Christmas lunch. We are keeping our ears open for Lydia and Ida's habits but except for Lydia very politely harassing her GP I’ve got nothing.
This afternoon has been spent in a meeting looking at strap lines and exhibition boards, Faith and I are off to London, Beware! We will spending time with people from the warehouse industry so we are very excited to see if and where we can get new sites. The more sites the more computers.

Tuesday, 8 September 2009

September fun

September, the season of new starts, shiny shoes, the end of summer. Well, for some of us. In C4A we have lots of new starts, Sharon has joined our team and brought her own style of fun to the office. We are also going to be moving into the main office as we have expanded into the offices next door. So lots of people new people and new horizons. On the subject of schools we have been supported by local schools we have received over 100 computers in the last month from a variety of schools go have a look at our news.